Start with your ads
Click through rate (or CTR) from your advertisement to your landing page is one key ingredient to becoming successful with performance marketing.
Especially when you’re paying for traffic by the impression, you’re “lifeline” to a profitable campaign relies on the ability to be able to drive as many clicks through your ads as eyeballs that see it.
To optimize your CTR and make more money, follow these guidelines:
• A good target CTR is 1% and a typical CPC is $0.05, meaning $0.50 is a good target eCPM
• Fill rate is still a problem for ad networks
• For an ad network, CTR can vary by -20% and the CPC can vary by -30%, so there is not a network that consistently outperforms all other networks
• I recommend using 4-5 ad networks to ensure maximum performance and diversity of ads
• Ad networks will send low-performing ads to apps that have low CTR
• Consider geo-targeting certain ad networks
• Frequency cap new ad networks that you are testing before sending all of your traffic
• Increase your CPC; the higher your CPC, the higher the probability of your ad showing.
Make sure you have a BANNER campaign, VIDEO campaign and a TEXT campaign for EVERY campaign you are running. This way you take full advantage of all inventory, publishers from mobile ad networks that have the option to run either type of ad-code (banner or text), many run both but this is not always the case.
Remove any non essential targeting.
Do your campaigns really need video streaming? Can you switch from java MIDP 2 to Any Java?
The more targeting you have the less inventory you will get as you are targeting very specific users. Also remember your CPC will be increased by any additional targeting you have other than country targeting.
Run only campaigns that are performing well for you. If you have 10 campaigns and 5 are performing well, pause the under performing campaigns so the 5 that are offering a return receive more traffic.
Optimize your CTR. Ultimately with more inventory you are looking for more clicks. In mobile, concentrate on more volume, that means more clicks.
Once you achieve more volume, then you can further optimize based on the data you’ve gathered.
On traffic sources such as Snapchat, Facebook & Google after a campaign is optimized and you begin to see which data converts, you are then able scale your campaigns focusing on the metrics with the highest ROI without running into inventory limitations.
Don’t forget about your landing page CTR!
Getting a good click through rate from your ads or banners is just one piece of the puzzle.
Once they make it to your landing page you have to push them through to the rest of the offer or whatever else you’re promoting.
Using RevMax, you can not only split-test click through rate to multiple pages, but you can also redirect traffic based on which landing page they arrive too:
The largest super affiliates are the ones who consistently monitor and optimize their CTR from their ads to their landing pages. It’s what separates the success stories from the non-successful stories. Let us help you achieve this and reclaim your ROI!