“Stronger Than Yesterday” – RevLeader Accomplishes Goal Of $1000/Day Profit

Wow, what a month that it’s turned out to be! The RevMax Private Mastermind has launched and Ryan and I are back to what we do best, working together to help people be successful. Some of you may not know me, I’m Richard, Ryan’s identical twin brother that started online with him in the late 1990s. Like Ryan, I’ve never had a job and have earned millions of dollars since graduating college in 2007. But the money isn’t my motivation.

I have a passion to develop businesses, watch them grow and spread success to others. Earlier this month when Ryan introduced me to the RevLeaders (our affiliates), I couldn’t wait to get to work. I was contacted by several entrepreneurs that were hungry to learn, earn and be successful. Yesterday, one of those RevLeaders hit their first milestone of $1000 profit in one day. All it took was a couple of weeks of learning the ropes in the Mastermind, staying in close contact with us here at RevMax and following our step-by-step advice. This person, who is still working a regular day job, is on track to make a major change by the end of 2016. Their goal is to quit their place of employment and go online full time.

We shoot big here at RevMax, we dare to go where others dream. That may sound corny or even cliche but Ryan was one of the first people in the mobile CPA space and has mentored hundreds of people that have gone from regular nine to five jobs to multimillionaires. RevMax and the RevMax Private Mastermind isn’t for everyone. I could sit here and tell you that we take everyone and that just anyone can be successful but it’s simply not true.

At RevMax, we want the cream of the crop. We want people who are motivated, hungry and ready to take their campaigns to the next level. The whole idea here is to spread decades of successful methods to others. Unfortunately, this doesn’t come easy and most people are not cut out for it. They say they want to learn, earn and be successful but in reality, they want someone else to do the work for them while they reap the rewards.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if that was how life worked? Have a dream or a really good idea and just hope it somehow accomplished itself on its own while you hung out at the beach or on the golf course? That’s a fantasy.

What we have here at RevMax isn’t a fantasy; it’s the real thing. The people here are really setting goals and accomplishing them. Does that mean everyone has accomplished their goals? No, some have quit. Most are still grinding. But some of our RevLeaders are now setting higher goals. The people that have wiped the sweat off their foreheads and the tears from their eyes, refusing to accept failure and are focused on the task at hand. They’re learning from their mistakes and I’m confident that this time next week, I’m going to have another success story to tell you about.

Some people think I’m crazy to come here and tell people step-by-step both in the RevMax Private Mastermind and via email exactly how to run mobile campaigns. They don’t understand why I just don’t take the gravy for myself and forget others. But you have to understand, working online is a passion. Passion cuts deeper than money or material things. It’s about building, innovating and believing that nothing is impossible.

I’ll never forget some of those first websites Ryan and I launched. We sacrificed our social lives, were mocked and ridiculed and spent days glued behind a computer screen. We missed popular movies, high school dances, football games, parties and all the typical things you would expect of a young adolescent. It all started with an idea that something we could create could reach someone on the other side of the world.

Now, we’re coming back together to recreate the formula that took us from average kids to multimillionaires. We want to help others, the hungry and the motivated. We’re not interested in online drama or outside competition. We’re interested in the people like the person that just made $1000 profit. Someone tired of dreaming and ready to start working.

There is a quote that I recently heard that has stuck in my head. It is: “Stronger Than Yesterday.” I want my RevLeaders to be better tomorrow than they are today. Sometimes that means going from a $500 loss to a $1000 profit but sometimes it means working smarter and brushing up closer to the next goal. It means letting go of yesterday’s failures to embrace today’s accomplishments.

Ryan and I built our online careers in spite of mock and ridicule on the back of tremendous sacrifice. If I were to die today I wouldn’t change one thing. I’ve lived my life knowing what it takes to get there and refusing to stop until I arrive. I will always be happy but I’ll never be satisfied. If you’re down and you’re looking for inspiration, I want to quote an excerpt from Teddy Roosevelt’s famous “Man In The Arena” speech:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

I hope you have a great rest of the weekend and I hope to talk with you soon.